Bouquets Preorder for May 3

from $15.00

To kick off the Spring cut-flower season, we will be starting bouquet pick-ups on the farm for bouquets featuring whatever is growing in abundance that week! These bouquets are offered separately from our flower CSAs which start May 1st! This week we are offering two selections - large $25 bouquets and $15 mixed fancy daffodil bunches.

Pre-order by Thursday for pickup this Friday, May 3rd. Abundant bloomers for the week include fancy daffodils and Levante Rosa Anemones - a new variety released this year that we guarantee you won’t find elsewhere. Bouquets will be full of these specialty anemones or daffodils and jonquils. Pick-up at the Farm Fridays between 12pm - 6pm

Friday Pickup

$25/large anemone bouquets

$15 /daffodil bunch

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